But first, affirmations

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I had always heard about people having daily affirmations, mantras they repeat to their reflection in the mirror every morning as they get ready, yet I had never realized how powerful having daily affirmations truly are until I adopted it.

I recently read All about love: new visions, a book by feminist author bell hooks. She speaks of the strength of affirmations in terms of engendering love, since when we are positive,we not only accept and affirm ourselves, we are able to accept and affirm others.

In the name of harboring more love and positivity in my day to day life, I decided to write some affirmations of my own. The day after I finished the book, I sat down on my yoga mat and pondered what I wanted to tell myself daily. I considered my need accept myself and where I am in life, as well as my desire to improve my interactions with the people around me.

Saying my affirmations has truly brought about change in my life. It’s like coffee, my day isn’t the same until I’ve repeated my mantras. My attitude and energy is noticeably different before and after I repeat them, and even more noticeable on days when I cite them verses the days that I don’t.

Today, I’m sharing with you my affirmations in hope to inspire you to adopt your own and consider the strength and growth that results from a healthy mind.

This new welcomes me, as I welcome it.

Today I will practice patience. Today I will practice kindness.

Today I will project love onto other and onto myself

I will move through my day enlightened, choosing love over fear.

I recognize my feelings of insecurities, and chose to become aware of what’s stirring inside me.

I chose to take this day calmly, flowing with the ups and downs it may present.

I am a being of light and love, I am at one with the universe.


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